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Discover the root cause and learn the skills to regain control of your life so you can stop burnout and experience more joy and connection with yourself and those you love.


Does this sound familiar?

I feel like I'm constantly on edge, and I can't remember the last time I truly relaxed.


I care for people at work and at home, and I feel like I'm always on.


The constant pressure is making it hard to enjoy the things I used to love.


I'm snapping at my loved ones more and more, and I have so much guilt for it.


I've tried everything from self-help books to medication, but nothing seems to get to the root of my anxiety.


I feel guilty for not being able to be present with my kids because I'm always stressed.


The never-ending to-do lists are always on my mind. It’s hard to focus and actually get things done.


Caretaking is a role I love, but my needs take a backseat so much that I feel invisible.


It’s so hard to say no to others, and it’s draining because I never make time for what I want to do.


My kids are leaving home, and I’m struggling to find a new direction.

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If you can relate to any of these, then keep reading, you’re in the right place.

I see YOU — and all that you give to those around you — the one who carries all the responsibility.

You can have the life you want — complete with the

happiness, peace, and connection you desire.

Most importantly, you can have this without the constant feeling of overwhelm, exhaustion, stress, and anxiety.


Even if you feel like you’ve tried it all — the books, the podcasts, the blogs.


You question how you can work so hard and check all the boxes of success (while caring for everyone around you) yet still be unhappy.

Can I let you in on a little secret? 

The problem isn’t the circumstances surrounding you. It’s you (in the kindest, most gentle way I can say it).


You just haven’t had the right direction and guide to lead you through a proven (research-based) method that works in REAL LIFE.

As a licensed professional counselor, trauma therapist, and coach, I have watched many of my clients go from burnt out, overwhelm, living in a state of panic and anxiety, and chronically depressed TO waking up every day feeling happy, balanced, and excited again. 

And I want to help make these results your reality, TOO! 

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Sarah, mom of three littles and caretaker to parents

"This course released the same amount of endorphins after each session as getting a massage! However, where massage benefits last until the next chaos hits, what I learned from Leah gave me tools to make my life less chaotic and more purposeful.​"
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Lauren, pastor's wife and mom to four 

"As a pastor's wife, I work with my husband and kids to serve others - which I LOVE!
This course helped me to better structure how I prioritize and have an "empowered no" so that I can have the time and energy to take better care of myself and my most important relationships."
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Stephenie, retired military wife, mom to a pre-teen and young adults

"I felt stuck, alone, uncertain about the future, and unclear about my purpose as my kids are growing and leaving home.
My old routines and my emotional toolbox felt like an outdated, ill-fitting, ratty old sweatshirt. I needed a new fit!
I now have clarity, vision, and tools to help me think through and plan for my future and to align my interests and gifting with my daily pursuits and goals."

Imagine what you’ll feel like once you…

Overcome your anxiety, learn to manage your stress effectively, have a clear plan for achieving your goals, and feel energized and fulfilled every day.

Maybe you feel a deep sense of peace and satisfaction, knowing you are in control of your life and your emotions.

You get to enjoy quality time with your loved ones and pursue your hobbies without the nagging feeling of stress or guilt.

Your friends and family tell you they see a positive change in you and admire your ability to stay calm and focused, even when it feels hard.

When you have a plan to follow and an expert to guide you when you get off track or make mistakes, this is possible. 

That’s why I’ve created my step-by-step course:

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"Before this course, I read books and listened to podcasts, but I was unable to apply the information I was learning. Leah refreshed my emotional vocabulary and gave me clear, actionable steps that helped me to make sense of my feelings in this unfamiliar season of life and to set new directions and goals."

Danielle, homeschool mom

Stephenie Chapman, VA




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A twelve-week online course and group coaching program where you’ll learn exactly how to create a personalized blueprint that will help you regain control, find balance, and restore your energy and joy so that you can say goodbye to burnout — FOREVER!  

Here's what you can expect when you join Burnout Buster Blueprint:

(Value: $ 3,950 )

Twelve self-paced modules complete with videos and a workbook to help you uncover the root cause and find your motivation, strength, and priorities so that you can make empowered choices.

A deeper understanding of stress management so that you can learn how stress personally affects YOU (emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, and mentally.)

Monthly Q & A sessions to address your specific challenges and questions so that you can get personalized guidance and support.

Structures and frameworks that enable you to make decisions with ease and feel empowered to say “no,” so you can live from true choice.

Tools and strategies to help you better understand those around you and how to manage conflict in a way that deepens connections and builds stronger, more resilient relationships.

But when you enroll today, you can access ALL of this for just…

Best Value: One Single Installment of $997 (save $191) 


Low Monthly: OR Four monthly installments of $297

A step-by-step blueprint to move you from burnt out, overwhelmed, and in a chronic state of anxiety to waking up every day feeling happy, balanced, and excited again.

Laying the Foundation for Success


Understand the components and expectations of the program so that you walk away with life-changing results.

  • Get an overview of the Burnout Buster Blueprint and its goals.

  • Learn about the program structure and key agreements for success.

  • Schedule your first 1:1 session to kickstart your journey.​

Sustaining Your Progress with Self-Care Strategies


Learn to triage, choose three interventions to try, and understand resilience and post-traumatic growth.

  • Assess your current state and identify necessary interventions.

  • Understand the concept of resilience and how to build it.

  • Choose three skills to practice and focus on mastering one.

Recognizing, Reducing, and Managing Personal Stress


Implement strategies to effectively manage and reduce personal stress.

  • Identify personal stressors and learn techniques to reduce their impact.

  • Develop a personalized stress management plan.

  • Practice mindfulness and self-care regularly to maintain balance.

Aligning Actions with Your Core Values


Set and maintain priorities that align with your values and goals to live a more fulfilled and balanced life. 

  • Learn to distinguish between urgent and important tasks.

  • Develop a personal constitution and strategies to prioritize accordingly.

  • Align your actions with your long-term goals and values.

Understanding Others


Improve your understanding of others and enhance communication so that you can build stronger, healthier relationships with your loved ones. 

  • Explore personality differences and their impact on relationships.

  • Learn effective communication strategies for different contexts.

  • Practice empathy and active listening to strengthen connections.

Looking to the Future


Plan for a balanced and fulfilling future with clear goals to continue with the joyful life you’ve created so that you don’t fall back into your old patterns and habits.

  • Explore concepts of optimism and future planning.

  • Identify qualities you want to emulate and mentors to guide you.

  • Create a vision for your future and actionable steps to achieve it.

The Real Reason You Are Battling Burnout


Uncover the root cause of your stress and its effects to develop effective coping strategies.

  • Discover the root causes of your stress and how they impact you.

  • Learn to recognize stress responses in various aspects of your life.

  • Select one self-care activity from The Big List of Self-Care to implement.

Discovering Your Unique Strengths


Deepen your understanding of your uniqueness and strengths so you can leverage them for personal growth.

  • Complete the DISC Assessment to learn about your personality, helping you understand your natural tendencies and strengths.

  • Identify and prioritize your core values through a Values Card Sort to align your actions with what truly matters to you.

Refresh Routines and Rituals


Establish and maintain routines and rituals that support your well-being.

  • Identify daily and weekly routines that can be optimized for better balance.

  • Create new rituals that promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

  • Integrate these routines into your daily life for sustained well-being.

Building Healthy Boundaries for Lasting Balance


Establish and maintain healthy boundaries in all areas of life.

  • Understand the importance of boundaries for well-being.

  • Learn techniques for setting and communicating boundaries.

  • Practice saying "no" effectively to protect your time and energy.

Managing and Confronting Conflict Head On


Develop skills to manage and resolve conflicts effectively, reducing the unwanted stress of avoiding hard conversations.

  • Understand the nature of everyday conflict and its triggers.

  • Learn strategies for managing personality differences in conflict.

  • Practice conflict resolution techniques in real-life scenarios.

Celebrating Achievements and Future Planning


Reflect on your journey, celebrate YOU, and plan for continued success.

  • Review key learnings and accomplishments from the course.

  • Develop a plan to maintain and build on your progress.

  • Celebrate your achievements and look forward to a balanced future.

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  1.  12 Robust Learning Modules ($ 4,500 value)

  2.  24/7 Access to Community Support

  3.  Monthly Group Coaching Calls ($ 240 value)

  4.  DISC Personality Profile Report ($ 70 value)

  5.  Care Package - Workbook + Gifts to Support Your Journey ($ 75 value)




  1.  12 Robust Learning Modules ($ 4,500 value)

  2.  24/7 Access to Community Support

  3.  Weekly Group Coaching Calls ($ 240 value)

  4.  DISC Personality Profile Report ($ 70 value)

  5.  Custom DISC Results Analysis ($ 200 value)

  6.  3  One-on-One Sessions with Leah ($ 600 value)

  7. Personal Access to Leah in Between Sessions

  8.  Care Package - Workbook + Gifts to Support Your Journey ($ 75 value)

And you’ll get incredible support, community, and accountability.


"I have improved my understanding of myself and also how other people are different from me and how that is what makes them special. This has improved my interactions with my loved ones"

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"It was wonderful to be in a community of individuals whose lives  looked completely different from each other and realize that at the core we all had very similar needs and struggles. It became a safe place to share and grow together."

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"Don't wait another day! Seek out time to learn with Leah now and get your new fit on! You are worth the investment!"

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Desire VIP-Level, Wrap-Around Support? 

From personal experience (and years of helping others), I know that overcoming burnout and the constant stress and anxiety of everything can be overwhelming and tough to navigate on your own. 


This is exactly why I created a VIP Level of support — to give you the personalized support you need to break free from the crushing weight of burnout, reclaim your energy and passion, and finally experience the joy and fulfillment you've been craving.

As a VIP, you’ll not only get everything included in the regular program, but you’ll also get:

Weekly live group coaching sessions for 16 weeks to reinforce your learning, receive personalized support, and, most importantly, keep you on track when you feel overwhelmed or tempted to fall back into old patterns.


THREE one-on-one sessions with me to uncover your deepest struggles and create tailored strategies so that you can overcome your obstacles and change your daily life from pure exhaustion to complete happiness.

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Taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically is critical to building and living a joyful, abundant life. 


Because let’s be real, when you’re the one in charge of ALL THE THINGS (the kids, the parents, the schedules, the business, the household), it isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. 


And if you don’t surround yourself with the right people and the right support—especially when things get really hard—it’s impossible to stay positive. 


Burnout Buster Blueprint is not like any other program. 


It is a research-backed, science-based, results-focused program that will help you organize your thoughts and emotions so you can experience less stress and more joy.  


If you vow to start putting yourself first and prioritizing your well-being, watch all the modules, and participate in the calls, you WILL get life-changing results. 


I can promise you that.


You have questions?
I have answers.

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I'm already overwhelmed. How can I possibly find time for another program?

I hear you. Time feels scarce when you're burning out. That's why the Burnout Buster Blueprint is designed to fit into your busy life. The modules are bite-sized and self-paced, allowing you to progress at a speed that works for you. Remember, investing a little time now can save you countless hours of stress and exhaustion in the future. 


This program isn't about adding to your to-do list; it's about giving you tools to reclaim your time and energy so you can accomplish your to-do list AND enjoy the things you actually love to do.

Who is it NOT for?

This program may not be the right fit for individuals who:

  • Are unwilling to commit time and effort to the program’s activities and strategies.

  • Prefer a quick-fix solution rather than a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to addressing burnout and stress.

  • Are not open to exploring and implementing new routines, rituals, and self-care practices.

  • Do not resonate with a program that includes elements of mindfulness, Christian values, self-reflection, and personal growth.

How long do I have access to The Burnout Buster Blueprint Modules?

Burnout Buster Blueprint is a 12-module Course designed for you to implement one module per week, giving you time to learn and implement the strategies and techniques learned in each module. 


However, I know that it’s likely you have a million things on your plate and may need a different pace, so you’ll have access to this for 16 weeks.  


The goal is to help you find more time and balance so that you can do more self-care things like this for yourself! It’s important to fill your cup first so that you can take care of those around you.

Who is this really for?

This program is designed for individuals who are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and stuck in a chronic state of anxiety. It's for those who are ready to take proactive steps towards regaining control of their lives, finding balance, and waking up each day feeling happy and excited again. Specifically, it is ideal for:

  • Professionals struggling with work-related and family stress and looking for effective strategies to manage and reduce burnout.

  • Stay-at-home parents who feel overwhelmed by daily responsibilities and want to cultivate a sense of balance and well-being.

  • Individuals who care for others and are ready to invest time and effort into their personal growth and are committed to implementing the program's strategies and techniques.

  • Those who value a holistic approach that integrates mindfulness, self-care, and practical tools for managing stress and building resilience.

What if my schedule doesn’t line up with the LIVE sessions, will I still benefit?

Yes. Absolutely. All live sessions will be recorded, so you can watch when it’s most convenient for you.

What is your refund policy?

In this private experience, I’ll share proprietary strategies and details I don’t share publicly, ever. Once you learn the methods and strategies, you can’t unlearn them. For this reason, your investment is non-refundable.

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I have more questions not answered here.
How can I ask them?

I am here for you!

You can reach me via email at or message me below:

It's decision time.

You can either stay stuck and continue feeling exhausted, tired, and overwhelmed, or you can take the first step toward achieving a life with more balance, joy, and renewed energy. 


Only you know how much you need this so that you can finally wake up each day feeling happy and excited to do the things you love with the people you love.


When you’re ready, click on the button below and save your seat!

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Read this before you go.

Hi, I'm Leah, and I am a licensed professional counselor and certified coach. 

Several years ago, I found myself in a place of deep exhaustion and overwhelm. As a single mom of five kids, ages 10 to 2, I was juggling multiple responsibilities. I had recently gone through a divorce and was struggling to find balance and peace amidst the chaos.


I knew I needed a career that would allow me to support my family while also helping others in a meaningful way. I pursued an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, driven by the hope that what I learned would bring healing to myself, my children, and eventually, others as well.


Through the years, I’ve worked in homeless shelters, residential children’s homes, schools, and private practices. 


I’ve seen firsthand how individuals who serve others, whether professionally or at home—or both—often struggle to find the personal margin that allows them to feel in harmony with their roles and responsibilities.


The Burnout Buster Blueprint was born out of my own experiences and the realization that many people, especially those who wear multiple hats—like caregivers, teachers, nurses, first responders, business owners, and stay-at-home or work-at-home parents—face similar struggles. 


These individuals are often ‘people helpers’, giving their all to their jobs, families, and communities but finding it hard to manage competing responsibilities and be present in every aspect of their lives.


When I created the program, my goal was to provide a comprehensive, self-paced program that could offer the support and actionable strategies needed to manage and reduce burnout. 


This program helps you better understand yourself, your motivations, strengths, capacity, and priorities. 


It’s designed to teach you about stress and burnout, how they affect you physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and mentally, and how to develop structures that allow you to choose your best yes and have an empowered no.


My clients and I have experienced incredible results using the principles and strategies in this program. We’ve found peace, joy, and a sense of control and strength. 


By understanding our triggers, managing stress effectively, and setting healthy boundaries, we’ve become burnout-resistant and moved into a life of flourishing and peace.


I know what it’s like to feel frazzled, floundering, overwhelmed, and hypervigilant. I understand the fear of missing out on important moments with your kids, losing job opportunities, or being stuck in a cycle of people-pleasing. And I also know that transformation is possible.


When you enroll in the Burnout Buster Blueprint, you’re taking the first step toward achieving a life where you wake up every day feeling grateful, balanced, and excited. 


You’ll gain clarity, peace, and confidence, while learning to live from a place of true choice. This will bring you to place of understanding what’s most important to you and how to prioritize it effectively.


You don’t have to stay stuck. You can move forward and create a life that feels fulfilling and balanced. 


When you’re ready, I’ll be here to support you every step of the way.

With compassion and hope,


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© 2024 Flourishing Root Counseling and Coaching Services LLC

No Surprises Act:You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate of what your services may cost.

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